Corona Diaries 4 May 2020

Fatigue is a reality, whether it be physical , mental or donor fatigue.

Of the 3 of these, donor fatigue is the one that scares me the most . What happens if we can’t continue due to lack of funds? How long will this continue? When will the aid get here? 

These are the thoughts that trouble me late at night and make me weep into my pillows.

And then a new day dawns, sun rising, birds singing, roosters crowing, my dogs getting pissed at them and so my yapping alarm clock rouses me from much needed sleep.

We have done 2 distribution days since the last update in Desa Culik, one for 188 families and one for 121 and tomorrow we do 213. That will then see us move onto Desa Purwakerti - data still yet to be received, but we hope to commence that one on Friday.

Donations keep coming when least expected, beautiful heartfelt love pouring in from around the world and locally. The Dive community out here have been amazing with rallying their friends and families overseas. Amed is such a special place, it is magical and once visited , you are never the same. 

Cyber bullying continues, not just directed to myself, who is receiving care packages as opposed to who isn't ,  but to some of the wonderful team as well. This makes me so sad.  People can be so unkind, where is your humanity? New cases have popped up in the last few days, with positive patients in Kubu, which is getting a little close for comfort being only 22klms away from Amed itself , we also have a case in Datah which is 16.2 klm away.  How many people have the positive cases been in contact with, where have they been? These questions I am sure pop up in the minds of all of us globally and make us worry.  

Personally, well my salary has been cut as anticipated, but I am so very grateful to still have my job and be employed by amazing people that fully support the yayasan work and are happy for me to be helping those in need.  I’ve been doing some energy work to balance myself and have since had 2 nights sleep of 7 hours each- that is unheard of for me and I am much more relaxed and things don’t stress me out as much as before. So grateful to have been given that gift from a long time facebook friend and Reiki Master. 


Corona Diaries 5 May 2020


Corona Diaries 30 April 2020