Pak Lana, married, 1 son
Location: Bunutan
In 2015, Pak Lana fell 10 metres from a coconut tree. He is a paraplegic and has been bedridden since then. He was taken to hospital for treatment, had local healers, massage etc until the money ran out and then was left for years with no help at all. With donations, they now have 3 pigs. He has had a house built through Bali Sehat, Puspadi Bali and also Eco Field Trips.
He can now get to the family temple again as Eco Field Trips funded and constructed a path for his wheelchair.Bali Sehat provided a hospital bed and also provide his medicines Yayasan Team Action Amed provided a TV and Satellite antenna and also his water tank so they have water into the bathroom.Their life has improved a lot thanks to support from these channels.
Ongoing Needs: Food parcel weekly cost IDR 200,000. Ensure milk for nutrients x 2 cans a month IDR 500,000. Requires physiotherapy - there is no fund available for this at this stage.
Pak Latra
Location: Sega
Pak Latra suffers from Dementia, Parkinsons and severe arthritis and was living alone in Asah in a leaky bamboo shack with no water. His wife had a stroke and he cared for her until her death.
We managed to move him to his family after paying to relocate his temple. We installed a water tank and pump there so that they have running water to the house. He is much better off now as can have cooked meals and attention from family.
Ongoing Needs: Food parcel weekly costs IDR 200,000. Ensure milk for nutrients x 2 cans a month IDR 500,000
Bibi Tek
Location: Ketung
Bibi Tek has a club foot, lived in a bamboo house until a house was built for her by local fundraising.
Ongoing needs: Food support weekly IDR 200,000
Ibu Lusa
Location: Ketung
Ibu Lusa lives alone in a bamboo shack and has not communicated verbally for many years.
Previously received some mental health support through the hospital in Bangli, however, once funds ran out to buy her medicine, she ceased talking again. Need medical assessment which we have requested through our friends at Solemen Indonesia and she is on their waitlist for help.
Ongoing needs: Food parcel weekly IDR 200,000
Immediate need: House built at a cost of IDR 20 million
Komang Sani
Location: Bunutan
Komang Sani we got to know during Agung times when they fled and came to safety in Bunutan. Married with a small daughter that has dwarfism, there was an assessment done through Solemen, however, as it was painful during testing, they are reluctant to proceed with further medical intervention.
They borrow electricity from a neighbour as well as getting water from them as well, They need a bathroom as they shower from a bucket and have no toilet.
Ongoing needs: Food parcel IDR 200,000 per week
Urgent need: Bathroom for sanitation, IDR 10 million
Pak Supatra
Location: Asah
Pak Supatra lives alone in a bamboo shack which is falling down and is a 20-30 minute walk through the bushland from the main roa. He makes his living weaving bamboo baskets which are used for transporting goods or as rubbish bins. He walks 20 kms a day carrying them to see if he can sell one: if he can’t sell one he cannot eat. These baskets sell at between IDR 50,000 and IDR 70,000 each
He had 2 t-shirts and a few sarongs when we met him and had not eaten that day. We have given him clothing and a mattress, blanket and pillow. He gets his water from putting a bucket under a leaking pipe running to another house and takes his shower in a nearby spring.
Ongoing support: Food parcel IDR 200,000 per week
Urgent need: New house built at a cost of IDR 20 million
Nyoman Wage, married, 1 child
Location: Ketung
Nyoman Wage at 24 years of age fell 7 metres from a clove tree in 2019 whilst working picking cloves. Lives in a bamboo shack with a dirt floor.
Went to hospital and was released as a paraplegic although is starting to regain some feeling so we are hopeful! A local healer did a treatment on him which gave him 3rd degree burns from his lower back to the soles of his feet. We supplied medical assistance via Solemen Indonesia and he had surgery with skin grafts and Solemen supplied a wheelchair. A new mattress was purchased for him and some more creature comforts provided. A local group raised money for them and bought them 4 piglets to raise to produce some kind of income as his wife can no longer work as she needs to be close by to attend to his needs and care for their small child.
Peduli Alam provided him with a small job making fabric balls, but this is not a continual nor a high income producing exercise but does provide some stimulation and dignity for him.
Ongoing needs: Food parcel weekly, IDR 200,000 plus medication which is approximately IDR 200,000 per month.
Urgent need: A house IDR 20 million, ongoing physiotherapy try to get him moving again.
Location: Lipah mountains
Wayan is an orphan, living with her grandmother. We sponsor her for education, uniforms, transport
Ongoing costs: IDR 1 million per year
Baby Wayan
Location: Yehpol
Baby Wayan contracted encephalitis at 6 months of age in early 2020. After 3 months in hospital , it was also discovered he is lactose intolerant and he is underweight for his age due to constant diarrhea. Due to the COVID19 pandemic, both parents have also lost their jobs.
Ongoing needs: Baby formula which costs IDR 300,000 per tin and lasts only 4 days. Monthly cost IDR 2,250,000, Brand is Nutricia Neocate LCP . Pediatrician has requested this brand only for a minimum of 6 months from April 2020, hard to locate so needs to be ordered in bulk.
Temporary needs: food parcel for the family IDR 200,000 per week